Circles of Care would like to extend a thank you to everyone who attended our presentation on child abuse Attention Deficit Disorder on April 23, 2015. Kiko’s restaurant on Everhart Road was kind enough to host us and provide a fine meal for all in attendance. Dr. Bain, pictured below presenting, offered valuable information on child abuse and ADD including new research, behaviors, and coping skills. The presentation began with the topic of abuse and covered warning signs, coping mechanisms, behavior management, and reporting before segueing into the topic of Attention Deficit Disorder in children. The audience included representatives from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, CASA, the Juvenile Justice Department, women’s shelters, and area school districts. Not only was the information presented immeasurably valuable to these child care workers, but it also gave the organizations in attendance an opportunity to meet and network with one another in the development of a cohesive support system for child welfare.
Thank you to everyone who made it. We look forward to seeing you at our next presentation.